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Challenge: Following the 2018 E. coli outbreak, how do we regain the trust of those who are skeptical of Chipotle?

Insight: For people to trust you,  you can’t just promise you’ll change; they need to see it.

Idea: Chipotle is starting fresh with full transparency.

AD: Renny Eackelbary

CW: Amber Jolley

Times Square Billboard Takeover

First Things First, we need to apologize.

First Things First, we need to apologize.

In-store redesign

store front.png
Projectors live streaming local farms.

Projectors live streaming local farms.

Package redesign

Package redesign

Google Earth

Customers can use their smartphones to scan in-store posters. From there, they will directed to Google Earth and will be able to see where exactly their food is coming from. 

Google_Earth_farms 2.png